Fabric painting with my fellow guild members

I love to paint whole cloth quilts.  I’ve posted about it before and you will probably see it again in the future.  In fact, I’m am actually trying to spend a bit of time each week playing and practicing with different mediums.  I haven’t actually gone to the schedule it all it routine but I should.

This picture is one small quilt I made a few years ago, and am currently working on an expanded version.


This one is a long ago abandoned project that has become my testing piece.  Wasn’t I smart to finally label the colors?  Some time when I truly have time to burn (wonder when that will be) I would like to put together a very comprehensive sampler of each color and medium  labeled so I can just grab the appropriate pencil and go.


For the January program with my local guild, the Santiam Scrappers, I shared my fabric painting techniques.  I quilted up a big pile of blocks for everyone to try out the Derwent Inktense pencils and the Neocolor II pastels.  Everyone said they had a great time and judging from the laughter and results, I think they did.  What better way to spend an afternoon than with quilting friends?

Do I like this color?

Do I like this color?

Students hard at work

Students hard at work

Finished blocks

Finished blocks

Finished blocks

Finished blocks

In the near future I am going to follow up with this by making some small table runner/dresser scarf whole cloth quilts that will be available for sale.  A small project that you will not be intimidated by and can finish in a short period of time.  I also hope to make this available as a workshop so you can use all my paints and not have to buy lots of your own.  One person asked about my quilting up a project from their drawings, happy to do that also.   If you want to know when this will be available, send me an email and I’ll make sure you are notified.


2 responses to “Fabric painting with my fellow guild members

  1. Beautiful! I took a workshop once, but the quilting came after the drawing. I’ve got the Inktense pencils, but think I need a textile medium to keep them permanent? Any suggestions?


    • Yes, you do need to use the textile medium. I mix it 50/50 with water. The textile medium makes it permanent and also helps to prevent bleeding. Keep at it, lots of fun, great results!


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